1.more meals
me: weeh...no more meals...my sims had enough...and creators invented more foods than i expect
2. more snacks other than chips juice and cookies, cold pizza maybe
me : not baad...we have hot pizzas anyway...i'd like to have real milks...OJ's....hmmm....
3. a closet instead of a dresser keep the dresser but man add a closet
me : hm? a closet? we have 'em dont we?
4. cubert to store dry and canned food in maybe
me : not really interesting...
5.mini games for building skills like a mini game for coking or reppairing stuff
me : not necessarilly needed
anyway...someone made em already....
6. more skills like building * me add: more build option*
me : up thumbs
7. showing hidden skills like romance
me : the hack have 'em already too...
8. living in more areas such as a farm, country or apartment
me : we can do it noooww....we do have farm, country ad apartment (check on hacks)
9. follow kids to school and watch them in class
me : stalking always intesting, mwuahahaa...
10. follow adults, teenagers and elders to jobs and watch them work
me : even more interestiiing....
11. more jobs such as teacher vet ect
me : we have Cyberion...bisa ngga cyberion...?ngga muncul2 dia....
12. driving cars around town
me : yeeey...me want to drive around town....
13. when getting married you can go to a church
me : i prefer when married have real honeymoon
14. more choise over your wedding like rings colors dress church yard park
me : shoot, we have it alreadyyy...
15. more chose over looks
me : we have genetics experts...cyencye navets? whatdya think? hehe....
16. more choise over personality
me : yeeep. sims 2 personality section suuuckkkzz!
17. more hair stlyes and colors
me : ask bodyshop genius creators, they can make em
18. more eye stlyes such as asian
me : Doh! we do have 'em also, if you dont like the cas default, download some and have more uniqe faces you like
19. visting other peoles houses not just inviting them over
me : Pleeasee...i want to visit my neighbour and make mess
20. malls
me : huh?
me again : kwalitas grafis bagus memory ga banyak, hwuahaha...mauunyaaaa.....makin magic, hmmm....turn off turn on nya lebih bervariasi, relationshipnya lebih bervariasi, hmmm...apa lagi yaaa....child crus...child cooties...hehe...lucu tuu...cinta pertama waktu kecil....kissing waktu kecil...teruuus...pas jalan2 liburan ada saat dalam perjalanannya....terus...banyak niii, maunya banyak mintanya spek kecil....dasar gatau diri